You [Gerald Bauer¹] have been permanently banned [for life] from participating in r/ruby (because of your writing off / outside of r/ruby). I do not see your participation adding anything to this [ruby] community.

-- Richard Schneeman (r/ruby mod and fanatic illiberal ultra leftie on a cancel culture mission)

¹: I know. Who cares? Who is this Gerald Bauer anyway. A random nobody for sure. It just happens that I am the admin among other things of Planet Ruby.

Case Studies of Code of Conduct "Cancel Culture" Out-Of-Control Power Abuse - Ruby - A Call for Tolerance On Ruby-Talk Results In Ban On Reddit Ruby

Update (August, 2022) - A Call for More Tolerance And Call For No-Ban Policy Results In Ban On Ruby-Talk (With No Reason Given)

>  I just banned
>  -- SHIBATA Hiroshi
>>  -- Ryan Davis
>> My full support to moderators.
>> -- Xavier Noria
>> My full support to moderators.
>>  -- Carlo E. Prelz
>>  That's fun.
>>  -- Alice

Read the full story »

« Ruby Pixel Art Week 2021, April 19th to April 25th - 7 Days of Ruby (Graphics) Gems

Day 3 - mooncats Gem - Generate Your Own All-25 440-MoonCats In-One Image - mooncatrescue.png Composite (2400×6120)

Written by geraldb Gerald Bauer

Mooncats are scarce and verifiable. You can bring a mooncat anywhere in the world, airplane or boat, proving itself to be a truer store of value than gold itself.

Only 25 thousand mooncats. 21 million bitcoins. Do the math.

Someone took Jeff Bezos crown today [as the richest man on earth]. Top mooncat holder owns 1,144 cats. LOL.

I can right click and save a mooncat [pixel image for free].

– MoonCatRescue Mania, March 2021

The World’s First Billion Dollar Pixel Image

Inspired by the composite image (2400×2400) that holds all 10 000 cryptopunks in the original 24×24 design:

Let’s put together an all-in-one composite version for MoonCatRescue. Yes, you can.

Step 1 - Read the metadata (5-byte hexstring ids) of all 25 440 MoonCats

Let’s use the sister /mooncatrescue project - a free public domain dataset of all 25 440 MoonCats in comma-separated values (CSV) format in blocks of a thousand cats each (e.g. 00.csv incl. 0x0000020886-0x000a05b9ac, 01.csv incl. 0x000a0a11c8-0x0013b68a2f, 02.csv incl. 0x0013b72770-0x001e26e929, and so on). The data records for cats incl. id, palette, pattern, pose, facing, face, fur, colors in rbg and hsl (hue, sat, lum), row and mint serial number, and more. Example - 00.csv:

row, id,           palette, pattern, pose, facing, face, fur, color,    ... mint
0,   0x0000020886, Normal, 0, Standing, Left, Smile, Solid, Sky Blue,   ... 2679
1,   0x000002f63e, Normal, 0, Standing, Left, Smile, Solid, Green,      ... 13869
2,   0x000004683b, Normal, 0, Standing, Left, Smile, Solid, Lime Green, ... 24457
3,   0x0000048998, Normal, 0, Standing, Left, Smile, Solid, Cyan,       ... 22386
4,   0x000006ce5d, Normal, 0, Standing, Left, Smile, Solid, Green,      ... 7933

Download a copy of the dataset - use the zip archive (or git clone) and let’s read in all records:

require 'mooncats'

data = './mooncatrescue/*.csv' )

puts "  #{data.size} mooncat(s)"


  25440 mooncat(s)

Step 2 - Generate the Composite of all 25 440 MoonCats Together in One (Big) Image

Let’s use the composite image (convenience) helper / wrapper that defaults to columns=100, rows=255, that is, 100 mooncats per row and 255 rows total (100×255 = 25 500 mooncats max.) and using a 24×24 canvas for every mooncat, thus, resulting in a (big) 2400×6120 pixel image.

composite =

data.each_with_index do |cat_meta,i|
  cat_id = cat_meta['id']

  puts "  adding [#{i}] - #{cat_id}..."

  composite << Mooncats::Image.generate( cat_id )

resulting in:

  adding [0] - 0000020886...
  adding [1] - 000002f63e...
  adding [2] - 000004683b...
  adding [3] - 0000048998...
  adding [4] - 000006ce5d...
  adding [5] - 0000072d16...
  adding [6] - 000007a6a5...
  adding [7] - 00000800fa...
  adding [8] - 00000cfd6f...
  adding [9] - 00000d9506...
  adding [10] - 000017a67a...
  adding [11] - 00001c0d3d...

Let’s save the “monster” - note: depending on your computer machine power it might take some seconds. 'mooncatrescue.png', :best_compression )

And voila!

Note: The mooncat listing order follows the mooncatrescue.csv dataset, that is, ordered by (5-byte hex string) ids e.g. 0x0000020886, 0x000002f63e, 0x000004683b, and so on.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s) and Answers

Q: Can I download a copy?

A: Yes, see mooncatrescue.png to download all 25 440 MoonCats in a 2400×6120 image (~ 6 MB) for free.

Q: Can I (re)sort by pose, facing, face, and fur in that order, for example?

A: Yes, you can (re)sort the data before generating the composite as you like. Let’s (re)sort the data by pose, facing, face, fur in that order, for example:

data = data.sort do |l,r|   # l=left, r=right
          res = l.pose   <=> r.pose                 # 1. sort by pose
          res = l.facing <=> r.facing  if res == 0  # 2. sort by facing if pose is equal (0)
          res = l.face   <=> r.face    if res == 0  # 3. sort by face if facing is equal (0) too
          res = l.fur    <=> r.fur     if res == 0  # 4. sort by fur if face is equal (0) too
          res     # returns -1,0,1  (-1 if smaller, 0 if equal, 1 if greater)

Find Out More


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