You [Gerald Bauer¹] have been permanently banned [for life] from participating in r/ruby (because of your writing off / outside of r/ruby).
I do not see your participation adding anything to this [ruby] community.
-- Richard Schneeman (r/ruby mod and fanatic illiberal ultra leftie on a cancel culture mission)
¹: I know. Who cares? Who is this Gerald Bauer anyway. A random nobody for sure. It just happens that I am the admin among other things
of Planet Ruby.
Case Studies of Code of Conduct "Cancel Culture" Out-Of-Control Power Abuse - Ruby - A Call for Tolerance On Ruby-Talk Results In Ban On Reddit Ruby
Update (August, 2022) - A Call for More Tolerance And Call For No-Ban Policy Results In Ban On Ruby-Talk (With No Reason Given)
> I just banned
> -- SHIBATA Hiroshi
>> -- Ryan Davis
>> My full support to moderators.
>> -- Xavier Noria
>> My full support to moderators.
>> -- Carlo E. Prelz
>> That's fun.
>> -- Alice
Read the full story »
Best of Ruby Gems Series
Brought to you by
You - Yes, you can!
(Note: You can subscribe to updates via the web feed in XML.)
Do you have a Ruby gem that you’d like to write about?
We love publishing your posts. Open an issue ticket or send in a pull request to get started and your article posted in the Best of Gems series on Planet Ruby.
Welcome. The Ruby Digital Identity & Metaverse Week 2022 presents
a new Ruby profile picture / avatar character generation (graphics)
library every day from September 5th to September 11st.
Have your say! Claim a free day!
Let’s highlight graphics libraries for generating
digital identity profile pictures or metaverse
avatar characters from the Ruby universe.
Do you have a Ruby gem that you’d like to write about?
We love publishing your posts. Open an issue ticket or send in a pull request to get started and your article posted in the Digital Identity & Metaverse Week series on Planet Ruby.
Day 1 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Day 2 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Day 3 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Day 4 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Day 5 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Day 6 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Day 7 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Welcome. The Ruby Football Week 2021 presents
a new Ruby sports library every day from June 11th to June 17th.
Have your say! Claim a free day!
Let’s join in and celebrate the beautiful game and the kick off of the European Football Championship (Euro 2020)
with a week long celebration of sports gems from the Ruby universe.
Do you have a Ruby gem that you’d like to write about? All sports welcome incl. what americans in the united states call football.
We love publishing your posts. Open an issue ticket or send in a pull request to get started and your article posted in the Football Week series on Planet Ruby.
Day 1 - fifa by
Gerald Bauer
The World’s Football Countries and Codes (Incl. Non-Member Countries and Irregular Codes)
Day 2 - sportdb-models by
Gerald Bauer
Football SQL Schema and ActiveRecord Models for Easy (Re)Use - Inserting the Euro 2020 Opening Match - Turkey vs Italy 0:3 (0:0) - Into the Database “by Hand”
Day 3 - sportdb-readers by
Gerald Bauer
Read the European Football Championship (“Euro”) 2020 Match Schedule in the Football.TXT Format Into euro.db - A Single-File SQLite Database
Day 4 - football-to-sqlite by
Gerald Bauer
Read the European Football Championship (“Euro”) 2020 Match Schedule in the Football.TXT Format Into euro.db Using the Shell / Command Line
Day 5 - footty by
Gerald Bauer
Who’s Playing Today? Print Upcoming or Yesterday’s Matches for the European Football Championship (“Euro”) 2020 (in 2021) Using the Shell / Command Line
Day 6 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Day 7 -

- Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can! - Your tag line here
Ruby Pixel Art Week 2021, April 19th to April 25th - 7 Days of Ruby (Graphics) Gems
Welcome. The Ruby Pixel Art Week 2021 presents
a new Ruby graphics library every day from April 19th to April 25th.
Have your say! Claim a free day!
Let’s highlight graphics libraries for pixel art in ruby (or chartreuse or magenta).
Do you have a Ruby gem that you’d like to write about?
We love publishing your posts. Open an issue ticket or send in a pull request to get started and your article posted in the Pixel Art Week series on Planet Ruby.
Ruby Open Data Week 2021, March 6th to March 12th - 7 Days of Ruby (Open Data) Gems
Welcome. The Ruby Open Data Week 2021 presents
a new Ruby (open data) library every day from March 6th to March 12th.
Let’s join in and celebrate the (international)
Open Data Day 2021
with a week long
celebration of open data gems from the Ruby universe.
Day 1 - factbook by
Gerald Bauer
Turn the World Factbook into Open Structured Data (e.g JSON) - Free Intelligence on the History, People, Government, Economy, Energy, Geography, Communications, Transportation, Military ‘n’ Terrorism for 260+ Countries
Day 2 - beerdb by
Gerald Bauer
Serve a Guinness Irish Stout or a Bamberg Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen as JSON - Free Home Delivery
Day 3 - sportdb by
Gerald Bauer
Read in Sport (Football) Datasets in (Structured) Text Into Your SQL Database of Choice (SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc) - World Cup, English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, Austrian Bundesliga and More
Day 4 - schemadoc by
Gerald Bauer
Auto-Generate Your SQL Database Schema Documentation for Tables, Columns, Symbols A-Z, Etc - Use Your Own (Static Jekyll) Themes And More
Bonus! Day 4 - annotate by
Gerald Bauer
Annotate Your ActiveRecord Models with Comments about Your Database Table Structure
Day 5 - csvpack by
Gerald Bauer
Work with Tabular Data Packages (.CSV Files w/ datapackage.json) using SQLite In-Memory (w/ ActiveRecord)
Day 6 - worldlite by
Gerald Bauer
All the World’s Countries ‘n’ Codes Incl. ISO (Alpha 2, Alpha 3, Num 3), FIFA, IOC, Internet Domains, Vehicle Registration Plates, ‘n’ More
Day 7 - erd by
Gerald Bauer
Generate Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD) for Your ActiveRecord Models
Ruby Glimmer Days 2021, January 26th to January 29th (and beyond) - 8 Days of Ruby (Desktop) Gems
Welcome. The Ruby Glimmer Days 2021 present
a new Ruby (desktop) library every day from January 26th to January 29th (and beyond).
Let’s highlight domain-specific languages
and desktop apps utilizing widgets and two-way data binding.
Day 1 - glimmer by
Andy Maleh
Make Desktop Apps Shine Using a Script with Two-Way Data Binding - Inside the Domain-Specific Language Engine / Construction Kit - Beware of Imitators! The Original Since 2007
Day 2 - glimmer-dsl-swt by
Andy Maleh
Script Standard Widgets from the Eclipse Toolkit with Two-Way Data Binding (incl. Tables with Sorting, Filtering, Multi-Type Editing, and More) - Package Up and Ship Desktop Apps for Mac, Windows ‘n’ Linux
Day 3 - glimmer-dsl-tk by
Andy Maleh
Script Widgets the Declarative Way (Say What, Not How) - Tk - The Best-Kept Secret and Evergreen Classic Now in v8.5 with Native Look ‘n’ Feel on Mac, Windows, and Linux
Day 4 - glimmer-dsl-opal by
Andy Maleh
Script Web Widgets with Two-Way Data-Binding - Ruby <3 JavaScript - Thanks to Opal, the Ruby to JavaScript Source-to-Source Compiler
Day 5 - glimmer_tetris by
Andy Maleh
Glimmer Tetris - The Playfield - Get Tetris Working in One Day!
Day 6 - glimmer_tetris by
Andy Maleh
Glimmer Tetris - The Score Lane - See Your Game Progress!
Day 7 - glimmer_tetris by
Andy Maleh
Glimmer Tetris - High Scores, Menu, & Icon - Show Others How Good You Are!
Day 8 - glimmer-dsl-libui by
Andy Maleh
Script Cross-Platform Native Controls without Installing Prerequisites - Declarative DSL Syntax That Visually Maps To GUI Hierarchy - Convention over Configuration via Smart Defaults and Automation of Low-level Details
Ruby Blockchain Week 2021, January 3rd to January 9th - 7 Days of Ruby (Crypto) Gems
Welcome. The Ruby Blockchain Week 2021 presents
a new Ruby (crypto) library every day from January 3rd to January 9th.
Let’s celebrate the 11th birthday of the world’s first genesis block -
that is, the first block of a blockchain (on January 3rd, 2009) with a week long
celebration of crypto gems from the Ruby universe. New to blockchain? See the Best of Crypto Books page »
All welcome from no coiners to bitcon austrian school of economics “I HODL! You HODL! We HODL! Number Go UP!” maximalists to universum (with secure ruby contract programming) is the new ethereum world computer blockchainers.
Day 1 - compute_unit by
Corey Osman
Collect Real Time Metrics ‘n’ Manage Compute Units (GPU, CPU, and ASICs) for Crypto Mining Rigs
Day 2 - blockchain-lite by
Gerald Bauer
Build Your Own Blockchains with Crypto Hashes. Revolutionize the World one Block at a Time!
Day 3 - universum by
Gerald Bauer
Operate the Ponzi Governmental - Real World Case Study - Last Creditor (Before Collapse) Wins the Jackpot!
Day 4 - cryptoquotes by
Gerald Bauer
I HODL, You HODL, We HODL! - BREAKING: BITCOIN JUST BROKE $22 000! - Get Free Oracle Sayings About the New New ‘In Math We Trust’ Ponzi Economics
Day 5 - elliptic by
Gerald Bauer
Open Up 10,000,000,000 Accounts - Bank the Unbanked Using Elliptic Curve (EC) Cryptography and the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) - Be Your Own Bank
Day 6 - kittyverse by
Gerald Bauer
Inside the CryptoKitties 256-Bit Genome - Slice ‘n’ Dice Unique Bits ‘n’ Bytes - 48 Genes (12 Traits x 4 P, H1, H2, H3) - Build Your Own CryptoKitties Gene Reader - The Future is Meow
Day 7 - centralbank by
Gerald Bauer
Print Your Own Money / Cryptocurrency - Run Your Own Federated Central Bank Nodes on the Blockchain Peer-to-Peer over HTTP
Bonus! Day 7 - merkletree by
Gerald Bauer
Build Your Own Crypto Hash Trees - Grow Your Own Money on Trees
25 Days of Ruby Gems - Ruby Advent Calendar 2020, December 1st - December 25th
Welcome. The Ruby Advent Calendar 2020
presents a new Ruby library every day
from December 1st to December 25th.
Day 1 - local_time by
Matt Swanson
Cache-Friendly and Timezone Aware Timestamp Formatting
Day 2 - elastic-enterprise-search by
Fernando Briano
Workplace Search, App Search, and Site Search All Together
Day 3 - blazer by
Marc Köhlbrugge
Explore Your Data with SQL. Easily Create Charts and Dashboards. Business Intelligence (BI) Made Simple
Day 4 - noticed by
Chris Oliver
Send Notifications Immediately or for Later Delivery (in the Background) via Email, Slack, Text Message, Real-Time ActionCable in the Navbar or Many More Channels
Day 5 - factory_bot by
Jason Swett
“Hey, Make Me a User with an Email and Password” - Setup Factories That Make You Fake Objects with Fake Data for Testing
Day 6 - pay by
Chris Oliver
Accept (One-Time) Payments or Subscriptions with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) - Billing Engine on Top of Stripe, Braintree or Paddle
Day 7 - letter_opener by
Matt Swanson
Let Your Browser (Automagically) Open-Up Your Email Letters for Previewing. Stop Sending Emails to Yourself for Testing
Day 8 - acts_as_tenant by
Chris Oliver
Together but Apart. House Many Tenants in One (Shared) Database. Multitenancy with Table Row-Level Database Security
Day 9 - thegamesdb by
Fernando Briano
Get Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda ‘n’ More. API Client for TheGamesDB, an Open Database for Video Game Data
Day 10 - happy_gemfile by
Mike Rogers
Stop House Keeping Your Gemfile. (Auto-)Format Your Gems Sorted from A to Z and by Groups. (Auto-)Clean up the Clutter. Happy Gemfile Day!
Bonus! Day 10 - parslet by
Rachel Green
Build Your Own Language Parsers (and Lexers) with Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs)
Day 11 - boring_generators by
Abhay Nikam
10x Development - Speed-Up Your Coding By Automating and Generating Boring Setups
Day 12 - matestack-ui-core by
Pascal Wengerter
Write Web Components in an (HTML) Domain-Specific (Mini) Language (DSL) Getting (Automagically) Turned Into Modern (Reactive) Web Views on Top of Vue.js
Day 13 - lumione by
Dmitry Maksyoma
Money. Money. Money. Convert NZD ($) to USD ($) or EUR (€) to JPY (¥) in Your Terminal using the European Central Bank (ECB) Reference Exchange Rates. No API Key Required. Yes, Works Offline
Day 14 - que-scheduler by
Harry Lascelles
Light-Weight (Time-Driven) Cron (Background) Job Scheduler for Que - a Job Queue Using the PostgreSQL Database with Advisory Locks for Speed and Reliability
Day 15 - avo by
Adrian Marin
(Auto-)Build Beautiful Admin Dashboards and Panels for Your Active Record (Database) Models (Incl. File Attachments) with Configuration in Code
Day 16 - bridgetown by
Pascal Wengerter
Build Websites (and Apps) the Classic (Static) Compiler Way - Use the Latest JavaScript (Yes, Webpack Out-of-the-Box) or CSS Packages - Fast and Secure By Default
Day 17 - any_login by
Igor Kasyanchuk
Speed Up Testing Allowing One-Click Turbologins® Without Passwords as Any User in the System. Switching User (Accounts) Made Easy (and Faster)
Day 18 - dentaku by
Jankees van Woezik
Parse and Evaluate Math (and Logical Formulas) with a Calculator in a Sandbox, Safely
Bonus! Day 18 - henkei by
Matt Swanson
Read Text and Meta Data from Word, PowerPoint, and PDF Files
Day 19 - quik by
Gerald Bauer
Quick Starter Template Script Wizard - The Missing Code Generator and Project Scaffolder for Gems, Sinatra, Jekyll ‘n’ More
Day 20 - lhs and lhc by
Marco Roth
Easy Active Record-Like Interfaces for Accessing HTTP JSON APIs - Smarter Higher-Level HTTP Service and Lower-Level HTTP Client
Day 21 - super_diff by
Elliot Winkler
A More Helpful Way to View Differences Between Complex Data Structures in Test Spec(ification)s
Bonus! Day 21 - addressable by
Bradley Schaefer
The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Class that Should be Standard (Incl. Templates ‘n’ More)
Day 22 - active_record-events by
Bartosz Pieńkowski
Complete? Record Your Own Timestamps in Active Record Models with has_event Macro, Automagically
Day 23 - json-next by
Gerald Bauer
Read Next Generation JSON Versions (HanSON, SON, JSONX/JSON11, Etc) with Comments, Unquoted Keys, Multi-Line Strings, Trailing Commas, Optional Commas, and More
Day 24 - git_reflow by
Valentino Stoll
Automate Your Git Workflow for You and Your Team. Build Your Own Git (Command Line) Commands
Day 25 - hexapdf by
Thomas Leitner
Read and Write PDF Documents. Start from Zero or Merge, Extract, Optimize and Much More
Ruby Gem of the Week Series
Welcome. The Ruby Gem of the Week series
presents a new Ruby library every week on Thursday.
Have your say!
Week 1 - hoe - build, package and publish gems with hoe rake tasks
Week 2 - slideshow - a free web alternative to PowerPoint and Keynote in Ruby
Week 3 - kramdown - turn easy-to-read and easy-to-write wiki-style plain text in markdown into hypertext
Week 4 - feedparser - web feed parser and normalizers (for RSS 2.0, Atom, n friends)
Week 5 - gli - git-like interfaces for awesome command-line tools
Week 6 - state_machine(s) - model processes and work flows with finite state machines (FSM) and automata theory
Week 7 - logutils - yet another (lightweight, simple) logging library in Ruby
Week 8 - props - yet another config (INI) reader in Ruby
Week 9 - html-proofer - auto-proofread (check and validate) your hypertext (HTML) pages
Week 10 - tilt - let’s build (yet another) micro web framework in less than 33 lines of code
Week 11 - journaltxt - Blogging reinvented: Read Journal.TXT - single-text file journals - and write out (auto-build) a blog (w/ Jekyll posts etc.)
Week 12 - almost-sinatra - Build your own webframework from scratch with Rack and Tilt in less than ten lines; six lines of Almost Sinatra “unobfuscated” and bundled up for easy (re)use
Week 13 - webservice - Script HTTP JSON APIs (web services) in classy Sinatra 2.0-style get / post methods with Mustermann 1.0 route / url pattern matching; load (micro) web services at-runtime and more
Week 14 - feedtxt - Read Feed.TXT - feeds in text (unicode); publish & share posts, articles, podcasts, ‘n’ more
Week 15 - jekyll-octopod - Publish your own radio talk shows; podcast extension for building (static) websites with Jekyll; incl. podcast web feeds with RSS enclosures and JSON Feed attachments in the OGG, MP3 or M4A audio formats. Written by Stefan Haslinger
Week 16 - pluto - Auto-build web pages from published web feeds; planet (static) website generator
Week 17 - eventdb - Build your own What’s On / What’s Up event calendar from READMEs in (structured) text; read in (awesome) ruby conferences from around the world
Week 18 - officetxt - Write notes, articles, journals, presentations, websites, blogs, manuscripts, books & more; the free writer’s command line tool suite works w/ any text editor; uses future-proof text formats
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