You [Gerald Bauer¹] have been permanently banned [for life] from participating in r/ruby (because of your writing off / outside of r/ruby). I do not see your participation adding anything to this [ruby] community.
-- Richard Schneeman (r/ruby mod and fanatic illiberal ultra leftie on a cancel culture mission)
¹: I know. Who cares? Who is this Gerald Bauer anyway. A random nobody for sure. It just happens that I am the admin among other things of Planet Ruby.
Case Studies of Code of Conduct "Cancel Culture" Out-Of-Control Power Abuse - Ruby - A Call for Tolerance On Ruby-Talk Results In Ban On Reddit RubyUpdate (August, 2022) - A Call for More Tolerance And Call For No-Ban Policy Results In Ban On Ruby-Talk (With No Reason Given)
> I just banned > > -- SHIBATA Hiroshi > >> THANK YOU >> >> -- Ryan Davis >> >> >> My full support to moderators. >> >> -- Xavier Noria >> >> My full support to moderators. >> >> -- Carlo E. Prelz >> >> That's fun. >> >> -- Alice
Free Web Alternative to PowerPoint and KeyNote - Write Your Talks in (Structured) Text - Many Theme Packs (Jekyll-Compatible) Incl. Reveal.js, Bespoke.js, Impress.js, Shower.js, S6 and More
github: slideshow-s9/slideshow, rubygems: slideshow, rdoc: slideshow
A command line tool and library that lets you build slideshows from your notes written in plain text with formatting conventions in markdown - kramdown, really ;-) e.g. incl. tables, definition lists, footnotes, attribute lists, auto ids, and much more. The slideshow (S9) project also collects and welcomes (Jekyll-compatible) themes and ships “out-of-the-box” with built-in support for “loss-free” gradient vector graphics backgrounds.
Let’s get started with the Slideshow (S9) Quick Starter Kit.
A first sample talk - sample1.text
title: Habits
author: Ruby Rubens
date: December 18, 2017
% use fullscreen css styles for a "section" slide
# In the morning
% use heading 1s or heading 2s for starting new slides
# Getting up
- Turn off alarm
- Get out of bed
# Breakfast
- Eat eggs
- Drink coffee
# In the evening
# Dinner
- Eat spaghetti
- Drink wine
- Browse slide show
% use the !SLIDE directive for slides without headings

% let's wrap up; another slide
# Going to sleep
- Get in bed
- Count sheep
Use the slideshow (S9) command line tool to download (fetch) the template pack and plugin helpers:
$ slideshow install s6blank # fetch s6 blank template pack
$ slideshow install plugins # fetch (standard) plugin helpers
To double check what template packs and plugins you have installed try:
$ slideshow list
resulting in:
Installed plugins in search path
[1] plugins/*.{txt.plugin,plugin.txt}
[2] plugins/*/*.{txt.plugin,plugin.txt}
[3] ~/.slideshow/plugins/*.{txt.plugin,plugin.txt}
[4] ~/.slideshow/plugins/*/*.{txt.plugin,plugin.txt}
analytics (~/.slideshow/plugins/analytics/analytics.txt.plugin)
snippets (~/.slideshow/plugins/snippets/snippets.txt.plugin)
tables (~/.slideshow/plugins/tables/tables.txt.plugin)
Installed template packs in search path
[1] templates/*.txt
[2] templates/*/*.txt
[3] node_modules/*/*.txt
[4] ~/.slideshow/templates/*.txt
[5] ~/.slideshow/templates/*/*.txt
s6blank (~/.slideshow/templates/s6blank/s6blank.txt)
Use the slideshow (S9) command line tool to build
a (static) web page (e.g. sample1.html
that is an all-in-one-page handout and a live slide show all at once.
$ slideshow build sample1.text
=> Preparing slideshow 'sample1.html'...
=> Done.
That’s it. Open up your slide show sample1.html
in your browser
(Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge and others) and hit F11 to switch into full screen projection
and hit the space bar or the right arrow, down arrow or page down key to flip through your slides.
The impress.js package by Bartek Szopka (aka bartaz) bundled up into a slideshow (S9) template pack lets you write your slides in text with formmating conventions in markdown and lets you use filters and helpers for adding comments, macros, includes, syntax highlighters and much more.
Note, the package is configured to use the following headers in slides.html
author: Your Name Here
title: Your Slide Show Title Here
If you want to try it yourself, install (fetch) the new template pack. Type the command:
$ slideshow install impress.js
Or as an alternative clone the template pack using git
. Type the commands:
$ cd ~/.slideshow/templates
$ git clone
To check if the new template got installed, use the list
$ slideshow list
Listing something like:
Installed templates include:
impress.js (~/.slideshow/templates/impress.js/impress.js.txt)
Tip: To get started use the included quick starter sample. Type the command:
$ slideshow new -t impress.js
Now you will have a copy of the impress.js Quick Starter sample
(that is, impress.js.text
and impress2.js.text
in Markdown in your working folder.
title: impress.js | the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions
author: Bartek Szopka
!SLIDE slide x=-1000 y=-1500
Aren't you just **bored** with all those slides-based presentations?
!SLIDE slide x=0 y=-1500
Don't you think that presentations given **in modern browsers**
shouldn't **copy the limits** of 'classic' slide decks?
!SLIDE slide x=1000 y=-1500
Would you like to **impress your audience**
with **stunning visualization** of your talk?
!SLIDE x=0 y=0 scale=4
then you should try
<sup>*</sup>no rhyme intended
!SLIDE x=850 y=3000 rotate=90 scale=5
It's a **presentation tool**
inspired by the idea behind [](
and based on the **power of CSS3 transforms and transitions** in modern browsers.
!SLIDE x=3500 y=2100 rotate=180 scale=6
visualize your **big** thoughts
!SLIDE x=2825 y=2325 z=-3000 rotate=300 scale=1
and **tiny** ideas
!SLIDE x=3500 y=-850 rotate=270 scale=6
by **positioning**, **rotating** and **scaling** them on an infinite canvas
!SLIDE x=6700 y=-300 scale=6
the only **limit** is your **imagination**
!SLIDE x=6300 y=2000 rotate=20 scale=4
want to know more?
[use the source](, Luke!
Showtime! Let’s use the -t/--template
switch to build the
sample slide show. Example:
$ slideshow build impress.js.text -t impress.js
Open up the generated impress.js.html
page in your browser. Voila. That’s it.
Built with Ruby
(running Jekyll)
on 2023-01-25 18:05:39 +0000 in 0.371 seconds.
Hosted on GitHub Pages.
</> Source on GitHub.
(0) Dedicated to the public domain.